I’ve been trying to create an annotation link to associated website (to be exact, it is a subdomain website of associated website), but no success.
In this particular case, I have YouTube Channel associated website;
And I want to link my YouTube annotation to the content of;
But whenever I tried, I got error message saying “Please enter a valid URL”.
Upon searching the internet, I often see the answers like this;
"You can create an annotation link to the content of associated website which is 'http://ys-consultancy.com/*mysite/*content.html', but you can not link to 'http://cars.ys-consultancy.com/*content.html'."
But it is not seems that the definite answer.
So, I play around my video’s annotations and somehow find a solution.
Since I can’t find this solution in the internet, I will share how to do it here. And I hope this will help someone out there encounter the same issue.
1. Temporary remove the already associated website in your channel settings.
To do it, you can go;
YouTube > Creator Studio > Channel > Advanced
Then go to “Associated website” and click “Remove"
2. Then add your subdomain website URL and hit “Add"
By doing this, your subdomain website is now the "associated website”. (Your subdomain website needs to be verified first at Google’s Search Console, if it's not verified yet.)
3. Create annotation link to your subdomain website/content
4. Then go back to "YouTube > Creator Studio > Channel > Advanced > Associated website” and restore original associated URL.
That’s it.
After that, you can keep an annotation link to subdomain website/content as well as original associated website and it's annotation links.
・フォローして頂けますと嬉しいです。(フォローバック100%): @ysconsultancy